About comedy with an accent
"Comedy with an Accent" is a unique comedy show created by an immigrant, for immigrants. Designed to provide a supportive and inclusive stage, our show celebrates comedians from around the world who perform in English as a second language—or, for some, as their first language—but with accents that reflect their immigrant backgrounds.
To date, we have featured an impressive lineup of comedians from diverse countries, including Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, India, Pakistan, the UK, Ireland, China, and Japan. Looking ahead, we are excited to welcome comedians from Costa Rica, Myanmar, Australia, France and many other countries, continuing to broaden our international lineup and offer a platform for voices from across the globe.
About Maria Rivadeneyra
Maria Rivadeneyra is the creator and host of "Comedy with an Accent." Originally from Puebla, Mexico, Maria moved to Vancouver in 2019 to pursue her passion for acting and comedy.
She has since become a well-known figure in the Canadian comedy scene, being a two-time finalist in "BC's Funniest Female" competition.
Maria is a graduate of Vancouver Acting School and BCIT's "Radio Arts and Entertainment" program. She has honed her comedy skills through training at Laughter Zone 101, Blind Tiger Comedy, and The Second City. In addition to her work in stand-up, Maria produces and hosts the radio show 'Latin O' Clock' on RED FM Vancouver.
A bilingual comedian, Maria created "Comedy with an Accent" to celebrate cultural diversity and provide a platform for immigrant comedians. She turns her once-embarrassing accent into a source of humor, sharing the stage with comedians from around the world. Maria has had the privilege of performing alongside highly recognizable comedians, including Sofia Niño de Rivera.
Under her leadership, "Comedy with an Accent" has enjoyed significant success, including multiple sold-out shows and a feature in The Globe and Mail. Maria continues to drive the show forward with her commitment to promoting diverse voices and building a supportive community for immigrant comedians across Canada.
How to help us grow
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